Grooming Updates

12/15/2023 2:00PM

No snow and the temps haven’t amenable to putting snow down on the ground and sustaining it with our small volunteer crew. Please consider buying a pass to help support the volunteer snowmaking efforts in the Chippewa Valley Area! It’s a hard thing to do when the temps are high and the snow is low, but it goes a long way into making it happen and sustaining it for use.

1/06/2022 2:00PM

Silver Mine is groomed! The hills are groomed as well. The machine made loop is solid. Eastern side of field has grass sticking up. All should be very skiable.

1/02/2022 5:35pm

Grooming has been completed over 430m of trail currently. Skate deck is smooth and thin, but covered. Classic tracks have been set as well. We’re hoping to make more snow for the hills and get it groomed in the coming couple of weeks; still pretty shallow coverage by natural snow for grooming, and we haven’t the equipment nor the volunteer time to get snow all the way up the hills yet, so please bear with us. We’re growing and learning as we go!

12/14/2021 12:00 PM

Trails are closed due to snow melting and storms. Will post an update when we make snow and/or groom again.

12/11/2021 5:35pm

Trails are groomed! Lower level trails and the hills are groomed for skiing. Get out there before the warm up this week and try it out.